Sunday, March 8, 2009

House Cleaning Secrets

Your house is your nest. You have to live in it and studies show that it is easier to relax and feel less stressed in a clean house.
Don't you wish you had some secret speed cleaning tips?

Mom used to enjoy cleaning house -- but I don't know of many who do now. Mom was raised in the depression in the 30s and they didn't have many conveniences in the house. To her all the new electric equipment made housekeeping a snap. She had good advice for how to easily keep your house clean.

Most families now have all the adults working outside the home or often in the home and there doesn't seem to be enough time to clean the house and work in the yard and run all the errands.

Life is much faster than it once was.

Maid service isn't an option for many families any more. But being a maid is really a pretty good job in a recession or when you have young children or when you retire and want pin money.

Since families don't have time for cleaning, you can usually get some jobs if you are willing to clean house for people. There are lots of families that are willing to pay more than minimum wage to get their house cleaned.

You don't need a big house or new furniture to keep a home neat and clean.
It does help to make the job quick and easy if you know the exact tools you need to speed clean your home effectively.

It doesn't have to take a long time cleaning your house; although, I have heard that it takes about an hour per person per day to keep up with your house work. That doesn't include periodic painting and maintenance.

There are some good tips out there for people who don't like to clean. One is to invite a relative that you don't see often but you want to spend more time with to come and clean house with you on a regular basis - like weekly or monthly.

You can pay the relative or fix a meal for the person. You can trade off and help him/her clean house half of the time. It can be like eating out but instead of eating out you're spending the time helping eachother in your house or yard.

Decluttering and having mostly bare space and bare floors is a good way to keep clean.

You still have the laundry, garbage, and recycling to take care of but there are ways to make that cleaner faster also.

If you want some quick and easy speed cleaning secrets, click here.

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